Introduction To The People Helping Nature Podcast (Episode #1)

(Note: you can also listen to this episode on YouTube or Spotify)

Welcome to the People Helping Nature Podcast!

In this inaugural introduction episode, hosts and co-founders of Conservation Amplified, Anna Wentsch and Callum Armstrong share:

  • The story behind why they started this podcast

  • How there’s so much awesome work being done to help nature, but more awareness is needed to make conservation mainstream

  • What you can expect to get out of listening to future episodes

👩About Anna:

Originally from Germany and self-introduced to New Zealand, Anna Wentsch is passionate about habitat protection and threatened species conservation. She has worked with kiwi, korora, whio, shorebirds and other critters, and loves supporting community environmental groups in her spare time.

👩About Callum:

Callum Armstrong spends his days at the intersection of business and conservation, with one foot in both worlds. As a marketer and entrepreneur by trade, he believes that if we want to create a future where nature thrives, we need to change the culture and behaviour of humanity into one where biodiversity is valued.

More info about Callum: 

🎙️About the podcast:

The People Helping Nature podcast is brought to you by Conservation Amplified, a registered New Zealand charity that’s on a mission to make biodiversity conservation mainstream.

We do this by bringing a megaphone to the world of conservation by featuring people from all walks of life who are doing interesting and important things to help nature thrive. We aim to make it easy for everyone to learn, understand, take action, and feel like they’re a part of the solution.

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Wayne O’Keefe: What Does a Healthy Ecosystem Look Like in Aotearoa New Zealand? (Episode #2)